
My thoughts and ideas

  • Golang Generic for Value to Pointer Function

    Golang Generic

    Generic type in golang is a way of writing code that allows for the same type of code to be reused without having to write out the same code multiple times. This is done by creating a single function or type that can be used for multiple types of data that are similar in nature....

  • Flutter Environment Variable (.env) Tutorial

    Photo by Konstantin Dyadun

    What is environment variable?

    An environment variable is a dynamic-named value that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They are part of the environment in which a process runs. For example, a running process can query the value of the TEMP environment variable to discover a suitable...

  • Coronator - The Story of Perfect Contact Tracing Application

    For 8 month of coronavirus I just stood in my house working for my company, but at nearly end of this year I give myself a try to help people fight coronavirus because i want to join the fight too. Based on that motivation I try to create perfect contact tracing app (Hopefully) for my country, here is my part...

  • Securing Image With Signed URL

    Securing Image With Signed URL

    A few days ago, I talked with my friend who works in startup which provide law related service. His company applied KYC to get users verified with it’s identity card, one of his concern is that the way he retrieve the image of user’s identity. Anyone with the link of the...

  • Why we should build our Go application as CLI

    So here we Go again, another opinion based on my experience create Go application. This time, i will discuss about CLI in Go and why it’s matter. Atleast, it’s matter for me because it’s add operability to my application. I’ll explain later in this article.

    A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program...